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Understanding Suspension System Wire Rope Loop Fixing Kits

Suspension system wire rope loop kits are loop fixing separate components that are brought together to create a system that helps to support the weight. These kits comprise a pre-formed loop which is further attached to a length of wire rope and a simple fastener. This fastener system is used to adjust the height of the entire suspension system. On the other hand, the wire rope comes of multiple wire strands twisted together in order to provide greater strength and stability compared to one single strand. 

The Usability of such kits: 

The suspension system wire rope loop fixing kits are used to provide support to magnanimous amounts of weights like in electrical or mechanical service parts and even whole pieces of equipment like air conditioning units. 

What are the different types of Suspension Systems? 

The primary factor on which wire rope loop fixing kits depend is the load size they can hold. Suspension kit manufacturers, therefore, provide these kits with specific maximum load these can support or hold. 

Various Components of Suspension System Fittings 

Golden PeaKock, being India’s leading suspension kit manufacturer, manufactures the various components of suspension kits individually as well. These components are nothing but the individual elements which are put together in a kit for convenient usability and accessibility. This makes it easier for contractors and installers to choose the specific hanging hardware component, required and suitable for the project. 

The different types of hardware components are primarily used for hanging signs, lights, and much more. As we know, suspension kits are used in various industries. However, they are specifically in need to sign installers, lighting contractors, ceiling fitters to hang signs, lights, or even to fit acoustic ceiling panels. 

Although certain specific jobs require users to buy these hardware components separately, nonetheless for general applications it is always better to buy these kits from suspension kit manufacturers instead of selecting each component individually. This way you get it all and it is also cost-effective. 

Suspension kits include 4 product groups. They are namely: 

  • Non-Adjustable Top Fixings: Ceiling fixtures with complete wire rope which are typically required along with Group 2 products. 

  • Adjustable height bottom fittings: This includes suspension hooks, panel grippers, and fixtures for making suspension loops. 

  • Adjustable Top Fittings: These are the ceiling fixings with in-built facilities to adjust the height. 

  • Wire Ropes: A variety of wire ropes are included in the kit- some with crimped hooks or with plain ends whether in lengths or on reels. 

Golden PeaKock offers cutting-edge fixing solutions of suspension systems that provide you with power and allow you to suspend lighting fixtures neatly and conveniently. The suspension systems come with power running over the cables and hence there is no separate requirement for the power cord. The adjustable powered suspension hardware gets easily attached to a variety of ceilings and fixtures which in turn allows designers to work with an array of materials and forms to execute their vision meticulously. 


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