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Factors To Consider While Choosing the Perfect Cable Gripper

 A cable gripper is used to grasp or enclose parts of transfer, insertion, or assembly. They are primarily used in environments where the human presence can be hazardous. Therefore, they must be designed and selected keeping in mind several factors that will ensure safety, reliability, and health concerns. 

The 1/16” cable gripper is most commonly used for various applications. However, choosing and sizing the right gripper to meet your application purpose is extremely important and these are some of the considerations that must be factored in. 

  • If the shape of the part consists of two opposing flats, then a 2-jaw gripper must be used. If it is cylindrical, a 3- jaw gripper is required. However, tooling can be designed to accommodate cylindrical parts with a 2-jaw gripper. 

  • The accessibility and part consistency must also be considered. While angular grippers are low in cost, they require additional tooling clearance that will grip at varying points as part width varies. Nonetheless, a parallel gripper is more convenient to use to compensate for the part size. 

  • The part weight must be well considered so that the grip force is adequate for safe transportation. 

  • The orientation and the distance of the parts from the gripper face also influence the choice of the gripper. 

  • The nominal gripping dimension indicates approximate gripper size. 

  • Modification in gripping location or encapsulation influences minimum gripper jaw travel. 

  • The air pressure of the gripper must also be considered as it determines the gripper sizing. 

  • The grip force is highly dependent on the direction due to the effective area of the piston rod. Therefore, verifying this must be taken into account while sizing. 

  • Velocity is directly proportional to the capacity of the gripper and hence must be considered while choosing it. 

  • Longer tooling inducts bending movements into the gripper and therefore may affect the sizing. 

  • The tooling configuration is an important factor to consider as well. If the part is encapsulated, the needed gripping force can be lower compared to when it is grasped on flat parts only. 

  • If any kind of part retention is desired especially upon air loss, springs or locking cams can be specified. 

  • In case of harsh environment applications, special platings and materials should be specified. 

  • Since grippers offer synchronized jaw movement, independent jaw travel is required. 

Golden Peakock is one of the leading manufacturers and exporters of cable grippers. The specialty of each of their cable grippers, especially the 1/16” cable gripper, is that it offers several switching options. Golden Peakock’s highly dedicated team and well-equipped research lab offer products of international standards ensuring safety, reliability, and strength.


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