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Understanding How To Check Non-Wicking Characteristics for Wires and Cables

We as laymen all understand how essential it is to prevent moisture from coming

in contact with fiber optics. Cable and rope wire manufacturers

understand this all the more and hence execute water wicking tests of the yarn

and thread during the process of manufacturing the same. This helps to analyze

the wicking characteristic of the product so that it is not only time-saving but also

cost-effective in the long run. 

What is wicking? 

Wicking of cables and rope wires refers to the exposure of the yarn or fibers to

moisture and how it possesses the propensity to absorb liquids into each of the

strands through capillary action. 

So, what is the wicking test and how does it help? 

When a copper wire is exposed to water, it deteriorates its performance and

functionality. It not only reduces the signal but also emanates light waves along

with producing impurities further resulting in oxidation. Moreover, the continuous

contact with moisture withholds the moisture internally- in the antenna

connector- resulting in incessant subjugation to variable temperature,

atmospheric pressure, and of course humidity. 

Cable and rope wire manufacturers perform the wicking test to understand the

significant characteristics of the yarn. This allows them to choose the best suitable

fiber which can be used in manufacturing such rope wires so that they may be

further used for non-wicking applications. 

How do we find the best non-wicking thread and yarn for rope wires? 

It is through this process of wicking test that helps rope wire manufacturers find the non-wicking thread and yarn which is of superior quality. Furthermore, this

procedure of testing reassures manufacturers of the water-resistant capabilities of

each fiber that will allow the application of an exterior coating. These seams will

bond well and more strongly and prevent the growth of mold and other fungi

(created due to moisture), ensuring further strength and durability of the structure. 

The Test Process

The non-wicking test involves hanging the subject yarn into a solution of dye

while keeping a record of the time of the capillary action. However, it must be

ensured that the sample to be tested is devoid of dirt and knots. Therefore, the

ones that are pre-shrunk, natural, white in colour, or evenly dyed will provide the

most accurate results. 

Post this step, lead weights must be attached to one end of the samples while the

other end must be attached to a lab stand crossbar. Following that, filter paper

must be attached 3 inches from one end and the yarn must be immersed into the

beaker containing the solution of Methylene blue water till the time the filter

paper is about 1 inch above the beaker. 

Here, the time is recorded and keeps a regular check from time to time, further

noting down the time when the bottom end of the filter paper is wetted. If the time

recorded is 6 hours or longer, then the non-wicking characteristic of the fiber is

ensured and hence can be suitably used as the structural strength is proven. 


No matter how complicated the test may seem, it is a process that is easy, cost-effective, and

does not involve too much labor or assistance while performing it. 


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