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Principle of Push Button Switches: Basic Functioning And Structure

Push buttons are common- an electrical fixture we come across every day in medical equipment, automated production lines, even in communication equipment. Although it is a very simple component, since it controls the entire electrical control circuit, it is called a “control switch”. 

Push button switches are simple power controlling switches that are usually made of metal or thermoplastic that allow easy access to the user. The idea here is to let the electricity flow uninterrupted through multiple wires, cables, and components. Pushbutton switches can be seen and used are primarily of two types, namely, momentary and non-momentary. Hence, they are widely used in kitchen appliances, magnetic locks, push-button telephones, and many other mechanical and electronic devices that find application in homes or industries. As a result, push buttons are designed in such a way that they have the space to accommodate a human finger so that the system can be easily controlled. 

The Structure of A Push Button

As mentioned earlier, push button switches are made up of simple components like a button cap, a return spring, a bridge-type movable contact, a static contact, a pillar rod, and lastly a shell. 

The opening and closing states of the contacts, when an external or static force is not applied on it, it breaks down into start push button switch and stop push button switch and finally composite push button switch where there are no contact combination buttons. Based on this functioning, the start push button switch gets closed when an external force is applied on the button cap to press it, and the contact with the electrical circuit gets disconnected automatically and resets when released. 

Similarly, when the stop push button is pressed on the button cap, the contacts get disconnected and automatically closes and resets when released. It is only when the composite push button switches are pressed on the button cap, the bridge-type movable contact shifts downwards, the NC contact gets opened first, and then the NO contact gets closed. Here, when the button cap is released, the NO contact gets disconnected and resets and then the NC contact closes and resets. 

The Basic Functioning Principle Of Push Buttons 

The basic functioning principle of push button switches is that they consist of an electromagnet absorption device inside the button cap. Hence, when the button cap is pressed down, the electromagnet absorption device gets activated and energized to produce magnetism, and the electrical control circuit gets connected or disconnected with the help of the absorption device, to be able to function as a remote control circuit. 


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